Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010
I have always believed as we go through life God closes doors and He opens doors we never knew existed. Once again I am amazed at his remarkable touch and his never ending mercy and love. Through this journey of life as new doors open, new chapters begin. Along with those new chapters come new obstacles, adventures, characters, heart breaks and new chances for joy to enter life again. As I begin a new chapter of life I feel as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ It is my duty to share along the way. I would like to invite you to come along as I learn and discover the power, grace, love and sovereignty of our Lord. I believe He has shown me so much in the last two years and is daily teaching me what true Faith means.
Two years have past and the love that once was shared still remains. Although the flesh will die and the seasons will change the love God puts in our heart for one another is something time will never change, it is something no one can take away. Only God knows our hearts and only God knows the capacity of love in each of our hearts. As I reflect back on the last two years I realize many things about myself, I come to grips and first realize how completely unworthy I am to lay at the feet of Christ but as I realize this, I also see how amazing and how beautiful our Lord is to allow me not only salvation for eternal life, but also a personal relationship with him. Through Christ I am able to come before and enter into the most holy place with the highest of high Kings. He not only is a King but He is also my father. As He reigns over this earth, this world, these galaxies all I must simply do is come before him, lift my heart and my voice to him and he hears my cry, my prayers, and my praise. How amazing is this! He is the comforter, listener, healer, father, and prince of true peace. When I was born he was there and placed me in the care of two of the most loving parents’ arms. When I gave my heart to him He rejoiced, when I failed him he did not turn his back on me but took my hand and picked me back up. As I entered into marriage He gave us the gift of Love, and when my world was taken from me and shattered, He came to my rescue. As I walked across the broken glass and pieces of my life; I cried out to Him and He picked me up and carried me through the glass and jagged edges of the hurt. He took my pain, cuts, and hurt from the broken pieces of my life. As he carried me, He made me stronger. He taught me Faith and gave me Love. He bandaged my heart and over time He is not only healing me but creating in me a new heart and new desire and love for Him that I never new was possible. He has given me new eyes, to see more as He does. He is taking all of those broken pieces of my life and in His own beautiful way He is adding them to His beautiful eternal work of art.
“Pslam 25:4-5 Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”